Horse Coat Switching Tool (SSO)
© Star Stable Entertainment
Showcase of the Horse Coat Switching Tool I worked on during my time at Star Stable Entertainment.
Tool is embedded into the Animation Toolset, which is used by the animators daily.
Showcase of the Horse Coat Switching Tool as a standalone version, before implemented into the Animation Toolset.
Horse Coat Switching Tool (Star Stable Online)
Showcase of the Horse Coat Switching Tool I worked on during my internship at Star Stable Entertainment.
The requested tool was aimed to assist the animators change textures for the horse they are working on, instead of them manually having to find the correct materials and textures themselves.
The tool finds and applies matching body and mane textures with a button click, also allowing the animator to select which mane to work with, and hide or show all tack quickly.
I was introduced to the Star Stable tools, and mentored how their Technical Animators work with creating tools with this assignment, furthering my technical skills into both PyMEL and QT.
Massive thank you to Francis and the technical animators for seeing potential in me, and mentoring me into the tech anim space to grow!
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